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Bennell Farm


Comberton, Cambridge

Site Area: 

3.91 hectares

Project Stage:

Under Construction


Professional Developers


Architecture, Masterplanning, Visualisations

Project Information:

Permission to develop this land in the popular village of Comberton, five miles from Cambridge, was won as part of the five-year land supply. A development of 90 units ranging from houses and flats were designed in a traditional style to fit seamlessly alongside other homes within the village.

The design of the development proposals are broadly based on the principle of perimeter blocks that provide a strong frontage to the public realm whilst protecting the amenity of existing residents. This continuity assists in defining the public realm, promotes an active street scene and helps to create a safe and attractive environment.

The general layout site plan shows the disposition of land uses and the proposed structure for movement within the development. A well-connected movement network, accessible by all users, is proposed which helps ensure that all areas of the development are easy to navigate, safe and secure. The hierarchy recognises the need to combine the function of the street as a movement corridor alongside its place function. Community spaces and landscaped features create a sense of place, benefiting both the development and the wider community.

Red and buff brick, light grey or black painted weatherboarding and ivory coloured render materials were used. Typical archetypes of traditional village typologies such as: bay windows to provide additional daylight to interiors, dormers, timber casement windows and traditional entrance porches make up the overall aesthetic of the scheme. All roofs and entrance porches are dressed in slates or clay plain tiles with doors and windows in light grey painted timber with stone cills.

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